This podcast is a space for like-minded people to share in a community which makes space to hear them, see them, and be with them. We will explore topics related to leadership, sports, health, community, parenting, dating, mental illness, and business. While sharing our own authentic personal journeys, we will learn from and with each other; we will unpack tips and strategies for finding that sweet spot in life. And best of all, we will share our most honest encounters while infusing spoonfuls of levity into our hungry mouths.  

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Author Bio and Sweet Spot Connection

Summer Peixoto, inspired founder of The Sweet Spot, is a working professional who thought creating a place for like-minded people to show up as their authentic selves, demonstrating how life’s challenges have both wrecked their spirit and lifted them even higher, would somehow create a community that could move forward, together. Hearing someone else’s story can do wonders for the human spirit; it can affirm that you are on the right track, that you are not alone, and that there is always hope in any negative situation. Hearing how other people have overcome incredible life challenges offers promise for a new opportunity to do and feel better. Sharing a personal story is like sharing a part of your heart—you have to be vulnerable, open, honest, and willing to get into the mess of what life was, is, and will be. All of it can be rather muddled—getting uncomfortable sometimes requires us to be ok with the mud. 

Summer, a mom, a teacher and teacher-trainer, a language-lover, soccer coach, tennis junkie, tech nerd, runner, and lover of all the things that bring joy to her spirit, stays motivated when feeling challenged by turning to singers like Lauren Daigle for inspiration. On most days, she’s highly inspired and inspiring, but she is real—there are days when life gets hard and allowing all of that to be ok is tough sometimes. She believes that by connecting with others and sharing personal stories, we can contribute to a healthier, more honest approach to life. 

Her personal journey through life as a single parent navigating a full-time workload and side hustle while dealing with major health challenges inspired the idea of The Sweet Spot. In the midst of the chaos and overwhelm (and a pandemic), she tried something new—SUP Yoga. While there, she lit up her board blue in honor of her throat chakra, listened to the instructor talk about how standing on the “sweet spot” of the board would help with balance, and she channeled all her energy into releasing, relaxing, and getting in touch with her true essence. Later, she thought about that experience and how she was given the opportunity to channel her energy, raise her voice, and use her newly gained knowledge to inspire others to do the same: take back lost power, refuel, re-energize, and refocus. She is daring to create a place for women much like herself; they are hustling and on their own life journey moving toward that sweet spot in life. By connecting and sharing their stories, she is also doing what she feels she has been called to do—inspire and help people grow! And that is BEAUTIFUL!

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